Philippa Perry explores the increasingly recognised phenomenon of Parental Alienation – BBC AUDIO –
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Category: Parental Alienation
World Health Organization considers adding ‘parental alienation’ to new diagnostic guide
Mar 31, 2019
World Health Organization considers adding ‘parental alienation’ to new diagnostic guide – Click here to read the article on CTV’s website
Canadian Dad discusses Alienation Horrors
Sep 06, 2017
Jim Hogan talks about Parental Alienation and how harmful it is to the children who are stuck in the middle of divorce.
I have been maintaining for years that a parent who alienates a child against the other parent is guilty of child abuse. At best it should be a criminal offense, no different from a parent willfully breaking the arm of a their child.
What is Parental Alienation Syndrome?
Jul 08, 2012
Parental Alienation is a disorder found in many children with divorcing parents. This syndrome is an estrangement of the child from one parent, caused by the intentional (or unconcious) efforts of the other parent.