Family Law: Taxation Without Representation (video)
Jun 14, 2019
As of November 17, 2023 CAREY IS NOW RETIRED
Apr 12, 2019
Mar 31, 2019
World Health Organization considers adding ‘parental alienation’ to new diagnostic guide – Click here to read the article on CTV’s website
Oct 06, 2017
“Carey Linde is a brilliant attorney with not just the experience, but also the integrity, insight and courage to replace the best interests of his pocketbook with the best interests of our children.
Aug 15, 2017
Divorce culture has infected every institution in so-called Western societies. No longer are the pillars of family structure fully supported by established religions or the nation state. The always hungry capitalist economies have seduced women out of the home into the soul killing work forces.
I have been maintaining for years that a parent who alienates a child against the other parent is guilty of child abuse. At best it should be a criminal offense, no different from a parent willfully breaking the arm of a their child.
In the so-called “battle of the sexes” or “gender wars” or injustices in family law, other than custody of children, no subject is more contentious and open to deserved critical debate than post separation financial claims by ex wives against former husbands.
Jul 20, 2015
The anger a father feels when he suddenly can’t see his children as much as he used to is universal and very understandable. No caring and nurturing parent can not experience that anger.
Jun 30, 2015
Everyone is familiar with the saying that a man representing himself in court has a fool for a client. I am here to tell you not to believe it! It doesn’t have to be true.
Jul 08, 2012
Parental Alienation is a disorder found in many children with divorcing parents. This syndrome is an estrangement of the child from one parent, caused by the intentional (or unconcious) efforts of the other parent.